A versatile artist
The multifaceted artistic personality of Pravoslav Sovak, as well as his vast oeuvre, have been honored and explored in major publications and exhibition catalogs for decades.
The rightful place
Renowned authors and outstanding art historians have repeatedly dealt with his work in detail. This has given the artist and his oeuvre the place it deserves in the history of art and graphics.
Sovák, Pravoslav: Pravoslav Sovák
Works on paper. Pravoslav Sovák, work on paper, with texts by Helmut Heißenbüttel, 2 vols.
Exhibition catalogs
Pravoslav Sovak. Krajiny času - landscapes of time
Exhibit. Cat. Prague 2018, ed. by Helena Musilová, Prague 2018.
Encyclopedia article
Friedli, Susanne: "Pravoslav Sovak"
in: SIKART, Encyclopedia and Database on Art in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, 2008 (last updated 17.11.2020), [https://www.sikart.ch/KuenstlerInnen.aspx?id=9703443].
Exhibition catalogs
Sovak - clear vision[s]. Catalogue raisonné 1995-2016
Exhibit. Cat. Mannheim 2016, ed. by Ulrike Lorenz and Anna Friedrichson, Munich 2016.
Exhibition catalogs
From Warhol to Richter. Graphics between photo and print
Exhibit. Cat. Essen 2014, ed. by Museum Folkwang, Göttingen 2014.
Exhibition catalogs
Sovak. Themes and Variations
Exhibit. Cat. Berlin 2014, published by Galerie Moeller Fine Art, Berlin 2014
Exhibition catalogs
SOVAK world networked. Pravoslav Sovak at the Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie Regensburg
Ausst.Kat. Regensburg 2009, ed. by Pravoslav Sovak and Roman Zieglgänsberger, Regensburg 2009.
Exhibition catalogs
Pravoslav Sovak
Exhibit. Cat. Düren, Regensburg, St. Petersburg, Munich 2007-2008, ed. Hans-Peter Riese, Cologne 2007
Exhibition catalogs
Pravoslav Sovak - Works on paper. A retrospective
Exhibit. Cat. Vienna 1999, ed. by Pravoslav Sovak and Konrad Oberhuber, Vienna 1998
Exhibition catalogs
Sovak. Gravures et dessins
Ausst.Kat. Paris 1996, edited by Béatrice Riottot El-Habib and Vincent Gille, Paris 1996.
Exhibition catalogs
Pravoslav Sovak. Time dispute. The graphic work
OEuvre Catalog/Output. Cat. Berlin 1994, ed. by Pravoslav Sovak and Alexander Dückers, Berlin 1994
Exhibition catalogs
Sovak. Graphic sheets
Exhibit. Cat. Reutlingen 1992, ed. by Pravoslav Sovak and Bernd Storz, Reutlingen 1992.
Exhibition catalogs
Sovak. Retrospective 1980-1988
Exhibit. Cat. New York 1988-1989, published by Galerie Achim Moeller Fine Art Limited, New York 1988.
Exhibition catalogs
Sovak. Etchings
Exhibit. Cat. Cologne 1974, published by the Kölnischer Kunstverein, Lucerne/Frankfurt (Main) 1974
Exhibition catalogs
Sovák. Etchings. Engravings. Etchings
Exhibit. Cat. Lübeck 1971, ed. by Peter F. Althaus, Lucerne/Frankfurt (Main) 1971
Essays and articles
Riese, Hans-Peter: "Pravoslav Sovak. An Artist's Long Journey to Himself"
in: You. The Journal of Culture, No. 850 (2014), pp. 22-37
Essays and articles
Kundera, Milan: "The Art of Perfection"
in: You. The Journal of Culture, No. 850 (2014), October 2014, pp. 52-53.
Essays and articles
Lorenz, Ulrike: "Always on the quiet, always on the cutting edge: the late work of Pravoslav Sovak."
in: You. The Journal of Culture, No. 850 (2014), pp. 78-83.
Essays and articles
Probst, Ursula Maria: "Im imaginären Museum/Dans la Musée imaginaire/The Museum of Imagination".
in: Festschrift für Konrad Oberhuber, ed. by Achim Gnann and Heinz Widauer, Milan 2000, pp. 420-429.
Essays and articles
Neidel, Heinz: "Design Secrets"
in: You. Die Kunstzeitschrift, No. 498 (1982), p. 92.
Essays and articles
Kramer, Hilton: "Art: New Works By Philip Guston"
incl. an exhibition review of the Sovak show at the Staempfli Gallery, New York, in: New York Times, 25.03.1977, p. 68.
Essays and articles
Schwarzbauer, Georg F.: "Exploring the Backgrounds. The Etching Cycles of Pravoslav Sovak".
in: Magazine Art. Das deutschsprachige Kunstmagazin, 15 Jg./No. 1 (1975), pp. 56-64.
Essays and articles
Sello, Gottfried: "Art Calendar"
Exhibition review of the Sovak show in the Thalia-Graphik-Galerie, Hamburg, in: Die Zeit, No. 22 (1973), 01.06.1973
Essays and articles
Bihalji-Merin, Oto: "A Kafka of Graphic Art"
Opening speech for the exhibition at the Schmidt-Bank Gallery (Nuremberg), in: Mitteilungen des Instituts für moderne Kunst Nürnberg, No. 5 (1972), o. p.
Essays and articles
Neidel, Heinz: "A Kafka of Graphics".
in: Artis. Journal of New Art, 24/ No. 6. (1972), pp. 22-23.
Essays and articles
Gasser, Manuel: "Pravoslav Sovák"
in: Graphis, 25/No. 143 (1969), pp. 246-250. Introduction and essay to the portfolio Graphisches Tagebuch.
Essays and articles
Kundera, Milan: Pravoslav Sovák. Obrazy, kresby, grafika 1945-1958
in: Exhibit. Cat. Špála Gallery, Prague 1959
Craftsmanship in the purest, noblest sense of the word has always been an essential thing for me.
Sovak (with W. Herzogenrath) 1974, p.37.