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The first works on paper

In 1939, at the age of 13, Sovak produced his first works on paper in the form of small-format drawings and woodcuts. The interest in drawing remained unbroken over the next decades, even when Sovak shifted his focus to graphic techniques.

From 1943, especially in the years that followed, he produced ink and brush drawings, often in combination with watercolor, which formally deal with elements of analytical Cubism, for example in the depiction of people. During the 1946 trip to Paris and the surrounding area, as well as to Normandy, the focus was on watercolors and drawings with landscape, architectural, and urban motifs.

Pravoslav Sovak Foundation

c/o lic.iur. Ralph Sigg
Obermattweg 12
CH-6052 Hergiswil, NW

© Pravoslav Sovak Foundation

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